Painless Delivery Painless Normal Delivery Shuchita Batra

अब डिलीवरी के दौरान सिजेरियन ऑपरेशन से महिलाओं को दर्द से मिलेगा आराम

बिना दर्द के नॉर्मल डिलीवरी:

आज के इस विषय में हम महिलाओं को डिलीवरी के दौरान जो भी मुश्किले आती है उसके बारे में बात करेंगे और जहां तक हो सका उस मुश्किल को हल कैसे किया जाए उसके बारे में भी चर्चा करेंगे |

इसके साथ ही बता दे कि डिलीवरी में प्रसव पीड़ा के दौरान होने वाले लेबर पेन से महिलाओं को काफी मुश्किलों का सामना करना पड़ता हैं.पर अगर सोचो की इस मुश्किल से महिला को निज़ात मिल जाए तो?

एनेस्थीसिया विधि से महिला को इस दर्द से मिलेगा निज़ात….

अब आप ये सोच रहे होंगे कि एनेस्थीसिया विधि क्या है,तो बता दे की ये ही वो विधि है जो हमें डिलीवरी के दौरान दर्द से निज़ात दिलवाती हैं,

तो चलिए एनेस्थीसिया विधि जानने के लिए शुरू करते हैं आज का विषय..

एनेस्थीसिया विधि वह विधि है जिसमें डिलीवरी के दौरान होने वाले दर्द से हम निज़ात पाते हैं

  • बता दे कि एनेस्थीसिया विधि का शाब्दिक अर्थ होता है- बेहोशी या फिर शारीरिक अचेतना
  • इस विधि में मरीज की सर्जरी या फिर कोई ऐसी मेडिकल प्रक्रिया जिसमें टांके लगाने की नौबत हो और मरीज़ को तकलीफ भी कम महसूस हो तो इसके लिए कुछ दवाइयों का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है और इस दवाइयों के इस्तेमाल की प्रक्रिया को ही एनेस्थीसिया कहते हैं |
  • यहाँ ये भी बता दे कि अगर हम इस उपचार का इस्तेमाल किसी प्राइवेट हॉस्पिटल से करवाते हैं तो हमारा खर्चा तक़रीबन 50 से 60 हज़ार तक का आ जाता हैं
  • वही अगर इस विधि का उपचार अगर हम मान्यता प्राप्त किसी ऐसे कॉलेज से करवाते है जहा इसका इलाज़ निःशुल्क हो रहा हो तो हमारे ज़ेब पर असर भी कम पड़ेगा और हमारा काम भी आसानी से हो जाएगा पर इसके लिए हमें थोड़ी जानकारी एकत्र करनी पड़ती हैं कि ये इलाज किस कॉलेज में निःशुल्क करवाया जा रहा हैं उसकी |

 एनेस्थीसिया विधि का इस्तेमाल डॉक्टर्स कैसे करते हैं…..

  • बता दे कि किसी भी तरह की सर्जरी से पहले डॉक्टर मरीज़ को बेहोशी की दवा देते हैं जिसे अंग्रेज़ी में एनेस्थीसिया कहते हैं और ये दवा लेने के बाद मरीज़ को एहसास ही नहीं होता कि उसके शरीर पर कौन सा ट्रीटमेंट किया जा रहा हैं |
  • और यहाँ ये बात भी गौरतलब है कि एनेस्थीसिया विधि से मरीज़ और डॉक्टर दोनों को फायदा हैं,क्युकि इस विधि के दौरान मरीज़ को बेहोश कर दिया जाता हैं जिससे कि डॉक्टर अपना ट्रीटमेंट आसानी से कर पाते हैं |
  • तीसरी बात डॉक्टर मरीज़ को बेहोश करने के बाद उसके रीढ़ की हड्डी पर टिक्का लगाकर इस प्रक्रिया की शुरुआत करते हैं |

अब यहाँ कुछ व्यक्तियों के मस्तिष्क में ये बात भी घूम रही होगी कि अगर इस विधि से हमे दर्द से राहत मिलती हैं तो क्या इसके कुछ नुकसान भी हैं क्या…..

जी मिचलाना या उल्टी आने की संभावना

  • चक्कर आना
  • मुंह सूखना
  • गले में खराश का होना
  • ठंड लगना या फिर कंपकंपी सा महसूस होना
  • मांसपेशियों में दर्द होना
  • खुजली


अंतत आपको यही कहा जा सकता हैं की डिलीवरी के दौरान असीमित दर्द हो तो एनेस्थीसिया विधि का इस्तेमाल जरूर करे पर डॉक्टर से सलाह जरूर ले और इसके बारे में जानकारी ज़रूर हासिल करे और अगर मौजूदा हालात में आपको कोई ऐसा हॉस्पिटल नहीं पता जहा इसका इलाज़ किया जाता हैं तो आप Ludhiana Gastro & Gynae Centre जरूर जाकर देखे और बिना दर्द के नॉर्मल डिलीवरी करवाए ||

Painless Delivery Pregnancy Shuchita Batra

Do You know? the Benefits of Almond Milk while Pregnancy!

When you find out you’re pregnant, the first thing you should do is make sure you’re eating a healthy, balanced diet for the baby’s best nutrition. There are many options to choose from, including various milk varieties, if you are reconsidering your eating options to make healthier decisions.

Almond milk has been around for a very long time, but recently it has become more and more popular. For individuals who are lactose intolerant, want to add diversity to their diet, or just like the consistency and flavor of almond milk, it’s a great healthy drink option.

How many calories does almond milk contain?

Almond milk has fewer calories in comparison to cow milk. You must therefore include it in your diet if you want to keep a healthy balance. It also contains calcium, zinc, phosphorus, and riboflavin.

Antioxidants: Almond milk contains a lot of vitamin E, an antioxidant that lessens oxidative stress during pregnancy.

Healthy Heart: A respectable level of omega-3 fatty acids are present, which helps to maintain the health of the heart.

Good for Bone Health: Almond milk is a great source of calcium, which will help to fulfill the rise in calcium requirements and so keep your bones healthy and strong.

Prevents High Blood Pressure: Preeclampsia can be brought on by high blood pressure, which is a severe worry during pregnancy. In addition to being high in calcium, almond milk also contains magnesium, which aids in regulating blood pressure.

Helps manage Gestational Diabetes (GDM):  Almonds have a low glycemic index, making them a perfect choice for controlling blood sugar levels during pregnancy. 

Good for Vegans: Almond milk is a good choice if you’re a vegan and you’re not allowed to consume any dairy products. You may use it as milk, in smoothies, and gravies.

Healthy Skin: Almond milk’s vitamin E helps to maintain healthy skin by reducing pigmentation and pimples.

Long shelf life: Almond milk does not require refrigeration for storage. As a result, taking it with you while traveling, working, or waiting for scans, exams, etc., is a great and easier alternative.

How Should You Make Your Almond Milk?

You can add more flavor with a little cinnamon or cocoa powder to boost the flavor. If at all possible, prepare your almond milk, but if not, it is also easily found at grocery stores. It is available in various flavors, sugar-free varieties, calcium-enriched varieties, etc. Nevertheless, preservatives will be present.

How much almond milk is acceptable to drink while pregnant?

Almond milk is generally considered safe to consume while pregnant, except for people who have a history of allergies. However, it is advised to consume it in moderation to prevent any gastrointestinal issues. Make sure to go by the recommendations for a healthy, balanced diet so that you can take pleasure in the best aspects of your life.

If you want Painless Normal Delivery in Punjab? Book Online Consultation with the best Gynecologist in Ludhiana.

Gastroenterologist Gynecologist Painless Delivery Shuchita Batra

Is painless delivery the best choice? How to prepare for painless delivery?

Painless Delivery: Is it the choice that I should go for?

For pregnant women, there’s often the concern of labor pain or how to bear the same. In some cases, the women’s labor journey goes like a dream, but sometimes it can be a terror side. In case you are the one who is having thoughts on how to cope with labor pain, you need advanced medical intervention by seeking assistance from the best Gynecologist In Ludhiana.

With time medical advancement has proven to be fruitful in several ways, and it continues to do so with each passing year. And that’s where the concept of Painless Normal Delivery in Punjab has started to seek huge attention. But it’s important to understand that you don’t expect the concept of painless delivery to vanish all the pain. The new and inventive techniques are just a help to make the journey easier. To prepare yourself for the same, read the tips mentioned below.

Tip on: ‘How to prepare for painless normal delivery?’

Tip 1: Boost your stamina and take a walk

Make sure not to live a sedentary lifestyle; otherwise, your pregnancy can be filled with complications, and the labor pain can worsen. Just make sure to keep yourself active and healthy throughout the pregnancy journey.

Tip 2: Do breathing and pregnancy exercise

You need to keep yourself fit and healthy throughout pregnancy. For that, start breathing and pregnancy-friendly exercise. If you are not sure about the right methods and techniques during pregnancy regime, you should ask the same to the doctor.

Tip 3: Consider Birth Partner

During the pregnancy, you must select a birth partner you want to be by your side. You can select your partner or any close family member to help you during the said period. Their guidance will make it easier to enjoy the journey with ease.

Tip 4: Select the best gynecologist

Most importantly, select the most experienced and skilled team of gynecologists and nursing staff to help you go through the pregnancy journey comfortably. Their assistance right from the start to every step of your pregnancy will go with ease and perfection. So, better start everything with the right approach so that results are obtained just like you want them.

Can childbirth be painless?

YES! To make your childbirth painless, you need epidural anesthesia. It’s one of the important choices for pain relief during labor. Make sure to get the same when you are in active labor, and the contraction frequency is three every 10 minutes. To know more about the same and what’s the best time for you, consult your gynae doctor.

Can epidural make childbirth completely painless?

The aim of an epidural is only to reduce the pain and sensations that occur with pregnancy in the lower half. So, I don’t think it works as an effective measure in terms of 100% pain relief. Although, it’s right to say that the epidural can offer the following benefits:

  • Helps you to relax during labor pain
  • Helps you get relief and don’t get too exhausted or feel irritable
  • Try to focus more on labor


Gynecologist Painless Delivery Pregnancy Shuchita Batra

Detailed gynae guide on planning for painless normal delivery

Enjoy the joy of being pregnant!

No doubt, pregnancy is one of the most exciting phases. To enjoy every bit of the same you need to have the expertise of the best gynae doctor in Ludhiana by your side from start to end. But for pregnant women, this joyous side does bring one stressful side and that is labour pain. The women undergoing labour can get themselves into the procedure of normal delivery process through certain essential steps.

Take care during 9 months of pregnancy

Pregnancy is an important part of a woman’s life and enjoyable phase. Thankfully the revolving and updated technology have allowed pregnant women to ease the labour pain with Painless Normal Delivery in Ludhiana. To get enlightened about the same you should consult the gynecologist and make sure to not miss out on the appointments. In case there’s any problem then do discuss the same with your gynae right away.

Did you know?

After the pregnancy, many mothers complain about lactation i.e. insufficient breast milk. And if that happens then are natural lactation supplements available in the market that are safe for mothers and babies? But, before you take any of these supplements make sure to consult the doctor about the same.

Techniques for painless normal delivery suggested by gynecologist

  • Relax with yoga

Pregnancy can be stressful but you need to keep yourself calm and relaxed. So, for that, there’s nothing better than practicing yoga. You should practice Bhramari Pranayama, and Baddhakonasana to reduce pain.

Be cautious!

Any type of medication should not be taken on your own as it can be harmful to you and the infant.

  • Exercise make the body and mind calm

Just like yoga, doing exercise is a great way to keep the body and mind calm. Most importantly, it keeps the entire body in a balanced state and helps things to get much easier & effective. Moreover, the benefits of exercise can be noticed through:

  • Healthy placenta
  • Improve digestion
  • Improve respiration
  • Decrease heartburn
  • Remove tiredness
  • Gather information about labour and delivery

The concept of painless childbirth is still a new phenomenon for many. But, the imperative part is to keep the human mind and body in control. For a joyful childbirth experience, it’s important to keep yourself aware of every minute of information that’s essential. Essentially you should try to de-stress and relax at every step of pregnancy. Along with that gather all the necessary information about the different phases of pregnancy that includes labour and delivery.

Additionally, it’s important to start in advance so that the body is prepared when the time comes.

  • Keep yourself positive

Pregnancy can be tough but that does not mean you should let negative thoughts come to your mind.

Have any doubts?

Schedule an initial consultation at Ludhiana Gastro & Gynae Centre,  Don’t hesitate to ask any question that comes to your mind.

Kartik Goyal Painless Delivery

Painless Delivery: What makes painless delivery the best choice for you?

Painless Delivery: Is it the best choice for you?

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful phases in every woman’s life. But, most women worry about the labor pain and how to manage it. Many women who have experienced it do term it as a painful condition. Advanced medical intervention has made it possible for women to choose painless normal delivery. One of the most effective approaches to making a difference is Painless Normal Delivery in Ludhiana, allowing women to feel the utmost comfort.

Doctors have focused on giving women the best practices with medical advancement and expertise. Your Obstetrician Gynecologist In Punjab will guide you in detail about the necessary option and whether the choice is ideal for you. Moreover, the gynecologist will even share the essential tips to prepare yourself for painless delivery.

How to prepare yourself for painless delivery?

Here are some of the essential tips to prepare yourself for painless delivery:

  • Walk every day to build your stamina

During pregnancy, an active lifestyle is essential. It would help if you started walking every single day. Being fit is vital so that your pregnancy journey goes smoothly.

  • Follow breathing exercises to calm yourself

During pregnancy, you should stay active and keep yourself calm. The exercise regime includes squats or using a bouncing ball. Make it a daily routine to keep yourself fit.

  • Choose someone with you to guide you

You need someone to support you during your pregnancy. This way, it will help you manage everything effectively and take down your stress levels.

  • Follow suggestions of your gynae

You should follow all the necessary suggestions of your gynecologist. The doctor will always ensure that your health is in a better state, and if something is not right, you will know how to take proper care.

Can childbirth be painful?

When you visit the gynecologist, he will suggest all about necessary options. Depending on your condition, the doctor will guide you through the essential stages that come your way. So, to answer your concern once and for all: Childbirth can be painless.

And to do that, the use of epidural anesthesia is what you need. The epidural is injected into the spine, a pain relief option. The need for injection only occurs if you are in active labor and when you have three contractions at least every 10 minutes.

Is epidural painless?

Epidural is painless, limiting pain and reducing lower half sensation. And that’s not all. An epidural injection is safe for mother and baby. As it’s a method of pain control, it offers several benefits like:

  • Provide relief from exhaustion and irritability.
  • Help in relaxing
  • Aid in refocusing on labor
  • Move forward as active participants in their birth experience.