Bariatric Surgery Kartik Goyal

Everything you need to know about the Bariatric surgical procedure

Bariatric Surgery In India

Bariatric surgery In India is for all those individuals who are struggling with their weight and are extremely overweight. At one of the leading Gastroenterology Hospital in Ludhiana, under the expertise of a board-certified gastro doctor, you are all informed. This type of surgery is ideal in cases when the person’s BMI is more than 40. Ideally, this approach is suggested when other weight loss surgery or approach does not work in the right manner. Moreover, it’s like the person’s life is expected to a great extent, and they cannot even exercise properly.

What to do before bariatric surgery?

When you consult the Gastroenterologist in Ludhiana, he will evaluate your condition in the most effective manner. Most importantly, it analyzes whether you are all ready to get the surgery. One week before the surgery, you need to get a different test and various X-rays. Some important things to know before you get bariatric surgery:

  • Do not smoke one week before surgery and two months after surgery
  • Taking care of your overall health is essential.

If you cannot leave smoking, then better consult the doctor on how you can do that.

What happens on the day of bariatric surgery?

For patients with heart surgery, it’s crucial to keep a check on heart health. Before the procedure begins, you are given anesthesia to make sure you are all comfortable throughout the process. The entire surgery takes around 3 hours to perform.

How to take care of yourself after bariatric surgery?

After the bariatric surgery, you are under close watch for some time. Your breathing is analyzed to be sure your health is in a better space. In case you don’t feel like your health is fine or something is awkward, then make sure to ask the doctor about the same.

What happens after surgery, tubes, and drains?

While you are in the state of being unconscious, there are two tubes that are inserted into the body. One is for breathing, and another is to collect urine from the bladder. Ideally, after surgery, your throat is sore. The breathing will get back to a normal state after 2 hours of undergoing surgery.

How to manage pain after bariatric surgery?

For pain management, the patient is given an epidural or IV, which helps to get everything under control. The doctor will give you pain medication in small amounts and tell you everything. Just make sure that you take all the given pain medications on said time and do things as told by the surgeon.

Select the best surgeon to get the desired results

Being a surgical plan, there are certain complications but all that is managed when you consult an experienced gastro doctor. Schedule your initial consultation at Ludhiana Gastro & Gynae Centre to know better how everything is managed in the right manner. Don’tDon’t struggle with your weight-related problems when you can get bariatric surgery to make your condition better in all possible ways. In case there’s any doubt, then make sure to ask the doctor about the same.