Gastroenterologist Kartik Goyal Piles

Gastro doctor views on Hemorrhoids and available treatment options

Hemorrhoids (Piles) Treatment Punjab

Hemorrhoids mean swelling and inflammation of the vein in the rectum that leads to bleeding and discomfort. In medical terms, it’s also called vascular cushions that surround the anus.

Types of Hemorrhoids

  • Internal hemorrhoids: Covered by mucosa, present inside the anus
  • External hemorrhoids: Covered by skin, present outside the anus

The type of treatment given by your Gastrologist in Punjab will depend upon the type of hemorrhoids you have. So that is why a proper understanding of your condition is essential to determine the most reliable solution.

Different grades of Hemorrhoids

The hemorrhoids are divided into five grades, and these are mentioned below:

  • Grade 1

The hemorrhoids happen due to cushion problems like bleeding or protruding. The bowel movement causes excess pressure and inflammation. There’s a problem of swelling and bleeding in the stool.

  • Grade 2

The cushions can expand quickly when you push the stool. Sometimes, it might pop inside the anus. However, when you don’t push, it can get sucked back in, and medically it’s called spontaneously reducing.

  • Grade 3

With time, the cushions can stay outside the body once you stop. In such a case, you should wear gloved fingers and push back the anus. Medically, it’s called manually reducing, and your healthcare provider does it.

  • Grade 4

In case of an advanced problem, pushing won’t help, and it keeps coming back outside. Internal hemorrhoids that protrude or bleed won’t cause burning or sharp pain. Such pain occurs due to anal fissures.

External hemorrhoids have problems due to a small blood clot leading to a knot or little ball outside the anus. Sometimes, these dissolve within 3 to 4 days, and the pain disappears.

How to prevent and treat hemorrhoids?

The medical expert suggested Hemorrhoids Surgery in Ludhiana when the condition worsens, and the grade is higher. Surgery is the only way to address the concern and improve your overall well-being.

In case the condition is at the initial stage, and you are looking for non-surgical methods, then the gastro doctor will suggest you:

  • Increase fiber intake
  • Drink enough water
  • Don’t have food that causes constipation like white bread, processed grains, red meat, white rice, bananas, and alcoholic beverages.
  • Do not strain or push too much during bowel movements.
  • If bowel movement does not happen even after sitting for a long time, then better try again later.

Do you notice bleeding in bowel movements?

Well! It’s one of the emergency signs that you need to consult a medical expert. If you have these symptoms, consult the experienced gastro doctor at Ludhiana Gastro & Gynae Centre to analyze effectively what’s wrong with your condition and how to manage everything. Please be free to ask any doubt that comes to your mind and make the further decision.

Kartik Goyal Piles

What Is Hemorrhoids Or Piles, Its Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment?

You might know hemorrhoids as a condition that is more commonly termed piles. They are basically a mass of anal blood vessels or swollen rectal. They are those veins that are located in the lower part of the rectum or anus.

There are two types of hemorrhoids:

  • Internal
  • External

In the internal hemorrhoids, it lies deep inside the rectum which is not typically visible to the naked eye. In this condition, you would not experience pain throughout but you will be able to notice its presence because of the bleeding through the anus.

On the other hand, the anal region is the area wherein a Gastro doctor in Ludhiana would notice external hemorrhoids which also create some discomfort. In an external pile protrudes via anal, you will be able to see and feel both. There are also times when the mass can form the blood clots which slip down. And to top it off, it can be very painful. 

What Are The Causes Of Formation Of Hemorrhoids?

Let us delve into the formation or the reason for hemorrhoids. 

  • Diet

It is one of the most common or main reasons behind the formation of piles. If you are consuming a low fiber diet, with highly processed food and intake a very inadequate amount of water can be the reason for hemorrhoids. 

  • Age and gender

People who are older or pregnant are more likely to develop hemorrhoids which they can treat with Gastroenterology Treatments in Ludhiana. 

  • Family history or hereditary

This is another cause of suffering from piles. Having a family history of weak rectal veins can cause you to develop it too because of family hereditary 

  • Excessive abdominal pressure

The last cause of piles is applying a lot of pressure on the abdominal area. This happens due to various reasons including pregnancy, obesity, prolonged sitting or standing, straining on the toilet, coughing, holding your breath at the time of labor, sneezing, coughing, and many more.

Knowing the cause of the hemorrhoids will help you get a Piles Treatment in Punjab which the doctor specifically designed for your problem. 

What Are The Symptoms Of Hemorrhoids?

It is very necessary for the patient to know the signs that might indicate piles. This technique will help you diagnose the real cause at an early stage, redirecting you towards the proper treatment at the right time without any delay. Given below are some of the common symptoms you might notice in piles:

  • Noticed bright red bleeding from the anus. You might notice blood as it streaks the bowel moment or the toilet paper.
  • Noticed a painful and swollen lump near the anus.
  • Experiencing itching in the affected area.
  • Feeling tenderness or pain at the time of bowel movements.
  • Noticing mucus discharge. 

Treatment For Hemorrhoids Or Piles

There are many treatments available for hemorrhoids but we will highly recommend you to visit a doctor and learn the causes of piles and their proper treatment. Given below are a bunch of options the doctor might give you:

  • Painkillers
  • Topical creams or ointments
  • Banding
  • Sclerotherapy Injections:
  • Coagulation
  • Surgery
Colonoscopy Gastroenterologist Kartik Goyal

What Is Colonoscopy, Why Is It Used, And What Are Its Risk Factors?

A colonoscopy is basically a test that the doctor takes to look for any kind of changes such as swollen, irritated tissues, cancer, or polyps in the rectum or large intestine (colon). The help of a video camera that the doctor attached to the tip of a tube makes it possible for the Gastro doctor in Ludhiana to get a view of the entire colon.

In fact, if it is deemed necessary, the doctor can also remove polyps and some other types of abnormal tissues via scope at the time of colonoscopy. Apart from that, the surgeon is also liable to take the tissue samples known as biopsies during colonoscopies.

Why Do The Doctors Conduct Colonoscopy?

  • To investigate intestinal symptoms and signs

With the help of a colonoscopy, the doctor can explore many possible causes of abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and other intestinal problems.

  • Screening for colon cancer

If you are the age 45 or more, then you might be at average risk of colon cancer. There is no other risk factor associated with colon cancer than age. This is why your doctor might advise you to have a Colonoscopy in Ludhiana after every ten years. In case you have some other risk factors, then there is a chance for the doctor to ask you to have a screen sooner than later. It is one of the few options that help in screening for colon cancer.

  • Look for more polyps.

If you have a history of polyps, then there is a good chance that your doctor might suggest a follow-up colonoscopy to look at and remove the additional polyps. The doctor conducts this procedure to reduce the risk of colon cancer.

  • Treat a condition

There are also situations wherein the surgeon might conduct the colonoscopy for treatment purposes. Some of those treatments include placing a stent or removing the object from the colon.

What Are The Risk Factors Of Undergoing Colonoscopy?

There are few risks associated with colonoscopy. Although all these are for rare occasions, it is still wise to know all the details beforehand for better understanding.

  • There can be a reaction to sedatives that the doctor uses at the time of the exam.

  • There is bleeding from the site where the doctor took a tissue sample, also known as a biopsy.

  • Bleeding from a polyp or some other abnormal tissues, which the doctor removes.

  • There is a tear in the rectum wall (perforation) of the colon.

How Can You Prepare For The Colonoscopy?

Before the doctor begins the procedure of colonoscopy, they might ask you to empty or clean out the colon. If there is any residue in the colon, then the doctor might find it challenging to get a good view of your colon as well as the rectum at the time of the test.

To clean your colon, the doctor might ask you to:

  • Follow a special diet the day before the exam

  • Take a laxative.

  • Adjust your medications.

Final Comments

Schedule your initial consultation with Ludhiana Gastro & Gynae Center. 

Gastroenterologist Gastroenterology Kartik Goyal

Everything you should know about an intragastric balloon for weight loss treatment

Intragastric Balloon For Weight Loss Treatment

The intragastric balloon treatment makes one of the most appropriate choices for weight loss. The procedure uses endoscopy to fill the stomach with a balloon and limit the intragastric space. The stomach stays there for six months, and Intragastric Balloon for Weight Loss in Punjab helps the patients lose around 10 to 15 kg. So, if you have been searching for weight loss treatment, then better consult the doctor.

Procedure of endoscopic guidance

The silicon balloon gets placed in the stomach through endoscopic guidance. The procedure aims to make you feel full and reduce your hunger feeling. Don’t consider the procedure a permanent weight loss treatment. The market have different types and sizes of balloons. Depending on what’s best for you, the doctor will suggest the necessary choice when you visit for the initial consultation at Gastro hospital in Ludhiana and clarify all your doubts.

Signs that I need to undergo intragastric balloon treatment (For weight loss)

  • BMI is more than 30, and therefore, your condition demands an effective approach
  • Class 2 obesity (BMI falls between 32 to 37) and surgery is impossible due to other health issues.
  • For BMI > 37, procedure makes best before bariatric surgery to ensure there’s no problem linked to the surgical approach.
  • All the dietary measures have failed, and you have conditions like infertility, PCOS, and other problems.

With all these conditions, you must consult a medical expert without worrying about anything.

The expert team performs weight loss surgery in Ludhiana

There’s no need for surgery during intragastric balloon for weight loss treatment. The medical expert team will give you a necessary treatment plan to improve your condition. When you consult the doctor, you will get the following information:

  • Right kind of assessment.
  • Proper guidance is available to you.
  • Discuss the different methods. Make sure to ask any questions that come to your mind.
  • Depending on the initial evaluation and diagnosis, the team informs that you are a suitable candidate for intragastric balloon treatment for weight loss.

Are there any tests done before the weight loss treatment?

  • Hemogram, RBS, HbA1C
  • Cortisol, Blood Group
  • Calcium, S. Magnesium
  • GAD Antibodies, IA2 Antibodies (in diabetic patients)
  • His Ag, HIV I & II, Anti HCV, VDRL, Urine RE
  • ECG, X-Ray Chest PA, USG abdomen, Dexa Scan
  • C peptide fasting, C peptide 1 hr pp, Insulin fasting
  • Liver function test, Lipid Profile, Thyroid function test, and Renal function test

Placement of the intragastric balloon

The procedure requires endoscopy and mild anesthesia. The tube contains a camera to see the inside of the stomach. The balloon is silicone elastomer, soft and pliable. The balloon gets placed through sterile solution or air. Following that, the doctor gently pulls the catheter from the inner side, and the balloon self-sealing valve won’t result in leakage or air. The procedure takes 20 minutes. You might need to stay overnight or return home a few days after surgery.

Do you have any doubts?

Schedule your initial consultation at Ludhiana Gastro & Gynae Centre to seek all necessary information.

Gynecologist Hysterectomy Shuchita Batra

6 most common reasons to undergo hysterectomy surgery in Punjab

Are you planning to get hysterectomy surgery?

The hysterectomy surgery helps to remove the uterus. Sometimes, the doctor can ask you to get it for fallopian tube removal and ovaries. You won’t have periods following the procedure, and pregnancy is not possible. At our Gastro hospital in Punjab, we have a proper setup to conduct abdominal hysterectomy for women struggling with several health issues. The blog will highlight the most common reasons to get a hysterectomy.

Reasons to get a hysterectomy in Ludhiana

Reason 1: Uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growth that most women have in the uterus. The problem can even affect fertility and lead to pain, bleeding, and stomach dissection. Initially, the doctor will suggest a non-invasive approach to handle the situation. But, if the symptoms continue to grow, you have to undergo a hysterectomy.

At our gastro & gynae centre, we also provide Endoscopic Ultrasound in Punjab to check the problem with gastro-related conditions. The minimally invasive procedure uses high-frequency and well analyzes the situation.

Reason 2: Endometriosis

Another common condition that occurs in women is endometriosis. The problem includes the tissues starting to grow outside the uterus. Additionally, there’s pain and an irregular menstrual cycle. Make sure to discuss with the doctor whether this Abdominal Hysterectomy in Punjab is the right approach for you or not.

Reason 3: Adenomyosis

Adenomyosis occurs when the uterus lining starts to grow in the uterus area. Additionally, the uterine wall gets thick, and there’s pain and heavy bleeding. The prevalence rate is higher in women after menopause. Ensure to get the treatment at the right time to prevent the problem from getting worse.

Reason 4: Infection

The hysterectomy even checks the PID; that’s a bacterial infection that leads to pelvic pain as the problem can worsen and affect the uterus’s health. Therefore, removing it through PID makes an appropriate choice.

Reason 5: Hyperplasia

Hyperplasia is a condition when the uterus lining gets exceptionally thick. Additionally, the level of estrogen gets way too high in the body. Some research has shown it can lead to uterine cancer. If the doctor suspects your condition can lead to cancer, you should get it removed.

Reason 6: General abdominal bleeding

Hysterectomy is even beneficial when a woman has irregular or heavy menstrual cycles. The chances of irregular bleeding may be due to:

  • Fibroids
  • Infection
  • Hormone changes
  • Cancer
  • Other conditions

Sometimes there are pain and stomach cramps. To address the problem of heavy bleeding, uterus removal makes the right choice, and the woman can find utmost relief. Apart from these, the doctor can even suggest delivery complications.

Do you notice any of the given conditions?

If you notice any of the given problems or symptoms, then don’t delay and consult one of the known medical experts at the earliest.