pap smear Shuchita Batra The Medical Hub

All that about pap smear tests to screen for cervical cancer

A Pap smear test is done to screen for Cervical Cancer

Pap Smear or Pap Test: Allows screening or test for cervical cancer in women. The test is performed to collect cells from the cervix area and further test. Every year, undergoing pap smear tests allow the patients to seek treatment on time, and they have increased chances of getting a cure. Even if you don’t feel like you have a problem, it’s better to get the test done with the expertise of a renowned Gynecologist In Ludhiana to get clarity that you don’t have any problem.

What’s the reason for performing a pap smear test?

Most importantly, it checks whether you have cervical cancer or not. In many cases, pap smear tests are performed with pelvic examinations. The ideal age for the women to seek this best is 30 years. Sexually transmitted infection is likely to increase the risk of cervical cancer. At the Gastroenterology Hospital in Ludhiana, you can undergo the pap smear test and seek an understanding over how to deal with the same.

When do I need to stop getting pap smear tests?

There is certain situation where pap testing is not needed and the doctor will ask you to not continue getting the same like:

  • Once you have undergone a total hysterectomy
  • Women aged 65 years old can stop getting a pap smear test

What happens during the Pap smear test?

An experienced gynecologist does a Pap smear test in a hospital setting. You are asked to undress from the waist down and lie down on the back with knees bent. The vaginal area is analyzed by putting a speculum to hold the vaginal walls. When the speculum is put, you are likely to feel pressure in the pelvic area. By doing so, the cervix is properly viewed.

What are the results of the pap smear test?

Normal pap smear test

The results are negative, and you don’t have to seek further treatment. So, until further tests are done, you are good to go.

Abnormal pap smear test

Positive results show that you have unusual or abnormal cells in cervical cancer. Depending on which type of cells are present, the necessary course of action is given to prevent cancer from spreading. Additionally, a colonoscopy is performed to take the tissues and further test.

FAQs on pap smear test

Can I get a pap smear before hitting the 30 mark?

YES! You can. The gynecologist recommends getting pap testing at the age of 21. 

Can I get a pap smear test frequently?



Age 21 to 65 years

Every 3 years

Age 30

Can get it every five years when done with HPV testing.

How do I prepare myself for a pap smear?

To boost the effectiveness of pap smear tests, there are a few considerations that are worth taking:

  • Don’t involve yourself in sexual intercourse, and don’t douch.
  • Don’t apply vaginal ointments or have any vaginal medications.
  • Don’t get a pap smear test during the menstrual cycle.

Bariatric Surgery Kartik Goyal

Everything you need to know about the Bariatric surgical procedure

Bariatric Surgery In India

Bariatric surgery In India is for all those individuals who are struggling with their weight and are extremely overweight. At one of the leading Gastroenterology Hospital in Ludhiana, under the expertise of a board-certified gastro doctor, you are all informed. This type of surgery is ideal in cases when the person’s BMI is more than 40. Ideally, this approach is suggested when other weight loss surgery or approach does not work in the right manner. Moreover, it’s like the person’s life is expected to a great extent, and they cannot even exercise properly.

What to do before bariatric surgery?

When you consult the Gastroenterologist in Ludhiana, he will evaluate your condition in the most effective manner. Most importantly, it analyzes whether you are all ready to get the surgery. One week before the surgery, you need to get a different test and various X-rays. Some important things to know before you get bariatric surgery:

  • Do not smoke one week before surgery and two months after surgery
  • Taking care of your overall health is essential.

If you cannot leave smoking, then better consult the doctor on how you can do that.

What happens on the day of bariatric surgery?

For patients with heart surgery, it’s crucial to keep a check on heart health. Before the procedure begins, you are given anesthesia to make sure you are all comfortable throughout the process. The entire surgery takes around 3 hours to perform.

How to take care of yourself after bariatric surgery?

After the bariatric surgery, you are under close watch for some time. Your breathing is analyzed to be sure your health is in a better space. In case you don’t feel like your health is fine or something is awkward, then make sure to ask the doctor about the same.

What happens after surgery, tubes, and drains?

While you are in the state of being unconscious, there are two tubes that are inserted into the body. One is for breathing, and another is to collect urine from the bladder. Ideally, after surgery, your throat is sore. The breathing will get back to a normal state after 2 hours of undergoing surgery.

How to manage pain after bariatric surgery?

For pain management, the patient is given an epidural or IV, which helps to get everything under control. The doctor will give you pain medication in small amounts and tell you everything. Just make sure that you take all the given pain medications on said time and do things as told by the surgeon.

Select the best surgeon to get the desired results

Being a surgical plan, there are certain complications but all that is managed when you consult an experienced gastro doctor. Schedule your initial consultation at Ludhiana Gastro & Gynae Centre to know better how everything is managed in the right manner. Don’tDon’t struggle with your weight-related problems when you can get bariatric surgery to make your condition better in all possible ways. In case there’s any doubt, then make sure to ask the doctor about the same.

Gastroenterologist Kartik Goyal liver disease

Gastro Guide: Everything you need to know about liver disease

The blog will highlight everything about liver disease to effectively enlighten you about the problem and what preventive measures you can take. You must visit one of the known Gastroenterologist in Ludhiana to seek the ultimate care for your gastro health and make your life better in all ways.

Which are the conditions that can damage liver disease?

Various conditions trigger liver disease like autoimmune hepatitis, hepatitis, fatty liver disease, alcohol-related fatty liver disease, liver cancer, and other problems. If you are dealing with any of these conditions, make sure to pay an immediate visit to one of the leading Gastroenterology Hospital in Ludhiana to seek timely assistance.

Which are the common symptoms of liver disease?

The liver disease symptoms depend on the specific condition you have. It’s possible initially, there are no symptoms, but as time passes by, the situation gets worse, and you start noticing the symptoms. Some of the most apparent symptoms are:

  • Yellowing of the eyes and skin (jaundice)
  • Chalky (gray) stools
  • Pain in the joints
  • Bloating or swelling in the belly
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Pain in the upper right part of the belly

How is liver disease diagnosed and tested?

Medical science includes several tests to better analyze liver health. When the condition is checked, the medical history is analyzed, and a physical examination is performed to better understand the entire state. Some of the most common tests that are done are:

  • Blood test
  • Imaging test – CT scan, MRI, and Ultrasound
  • Biopsy

Depending on the symptoms you have and seeing your past medical history, the doctor will make the final call as to what to do next.

What are the Various treatment options?

Similarly, just the way symptoms are checked, the diagnosis is made. In the same manner, for every possible treatment plan, there’s a different treatment that is needed like:

  • Autoimmune hepatitis is treated through medications, and sometimes live transplant is suggested.
  • In the case of NAFLD, the treatment options include having a healthy diet, losing weight, not drinking alcohol, reducing cholesterol levels, and controlling diabetes.

When you consult the medical expert, he will guide you all effectively on which treatment is best to make your condition managed in all the right ways.

Are there any prevention tips for liver disease?

Some of the known prevention tips for liver disease are:

  • Ensure that you wash your hands regularly once you have gone to the washroom or changing diapers. Doing so ensures that the chances of infection are less.
  • Involve yourself in safe sex practices
  • Do not share your personal belongings like toothbrushes, needles, and brushes. Sharing such stuff increases the chances of infection.

Although, if you talk about autoimmune hepatitis, there is no such prevention tip.


ERCP: What It Is, Who Is The Right Candidate, And Its Procedure?

What is Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) for Pancreas Disorder?

It is a procedure that is used for diagnosing and also treating the problems which occur in the pancreas. The condition might be in the duct of the pancreas itself.

Who Is The Right Candidate For ERCP?

RECP can be performed on any child no matter their age, which also includes infants and newborns. They are typically used for patients who have:

  • If they have acute recurrent pancreatitis
  • Chronic pancreatitis
  • Gallstone disease, which causes pancreatitis
  • Injuries to the duct
  • Inflammatory disorders which affect the pancreas
  • Strictures (narrowing) within the duct
  • Stones blocking the duct of the pancreas
  • Abnormal anatomy of the duct or pancreas 

Visiting Gastroenterology Hospital in Ludhiana and diagnosing the problem is essential in order to treat it accordingly.

What Is The Procedure Of ERCP?

The Gastroenterologist in Ludhiana uses a special flexible and narrow tube that is attached to a video camera in ERCP. Under the influence of anesthesia, the doctor places the tube through the child’s mouth into the upper digestive system. The doctor is able to see the stones with the help of contrast dye and x-rays. They can also view the blockages or abnormal narrowing in the duct. In order to treat this condition, the gastroenterologist slides small tools for surgery via endoscope.

There are also some instances in which the ERCP is only used for diagnosing the problem and not treating it. That being said, there are more cases that would be treated with ERCP; some of the treatment with ERCP includes:

  • Sphincterotomy: it is an incision that is used in increasing the size of the opening of the pancreatic duct.
  • Stent placement: it is used for inserting a small, temporary, and plastic tube within the duct to ensure that the daring can take place.
  • Stone extraction: it is performed to clear all the ducts of the stones.
  • Stricture dilation: it is used for expanding or stretching an area in which the duct is abnormally small or narrow.

It is a procedure that can take at least 20 minutes minimum and two hours at max. It all depends on which kind of treatment you need to undergo.

After the surgery is performed, the doctor will have a conversation with the family members of the patient regarding the process. They will also inform them about the treatment that was conducted and what was found during the treatment and will also answer any questions they might have regarding the whole process. They will also make sure to give you some details about the anticipated recovery time, its healing process, and also the post-surgery plan for care, which might also include the requirement to undergo another ERCP.

What Is The Process Of The Recovery Period?

Soon after recovering from anesthesia or sedation, most the children are able to eat or drink normally after the procedure of ERCP. In most cases, they are allowed to leave the hospital the next day after staying there for overnight observation.

Some children might induce temporary complications, including ERCP-related pancreatitis, which is a temporary inflammation of the pancreas. 

For All Intents And Purposes

It is not possible to target such compliance health conditions, especially in children, with over-the-counter medicines. That is why contact Ludhiana Gastro And Gynae Centre for the diagnosis and the treatment.

Kartik Goyal peptic ulcers

Everything you need to know about peptic ulcers and their treatment options

Peptic Ulcer and Its treatment

Peptic ulcers are open sores that develop in the stomach lining and on the small intestine’s upper portion. Peptic ulcers can further include different types, and that is:

  • Duodenal ulcers

Occurs on the upper portion at the inside of the small intestine

  • Gastric ulcers

Occurs in the interior of the stomach

At times the symptoms of peptic ulcer can get worse. You must schedule your initial consultation at one of the best Gastroenterology Hospital in Ludhiana to know better what treatment plan would suit your condition the best.

What are the common symptoms of peptic ulcers?

Some of the most common symptoms of peptic ulcer are:

  • Heartburn
  • Nausea
  • The body cannot cope with spicy food
  • Bloating, fullness, and belching like feeling

In most cases, stomach pain is the most common symptom. Moreover, stomach acid can make things more troublesome for you. It’s possible when you have a meal at night; the pain is worse. If you have any of these symptoms, don’t delay and take it as a warning sign to get yourself an all-personalized treatment from the Gastroenterologist in Ludhiana.

Be cautious about the following!

  • Vomiting
  • Appetite changes
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Faint feeling
  • Trouble breathing
  • Dark blood in stools
  • Vomiting blood

Did you notice any of these signs? It might be possible you have a peptic ulcer.

What are the common causes of peptic ulcers?

Some of the most common causes of peptic ulcer are:

  • Bacterium
  • Intake of pain relievers of an everyday basis

Are there any factors that increase the risk of peptic ulcers?

Well, it’s not just about the medications that you take, but there are other reasons that are likely to make things worse for you like:

  • Smoking
  • Alcohol intake
  • Stress for a long time and not being treated
  • Having excess spicy food

Are there any prevention tips for peptic ulcers?

Some of the preventive measures you should take to reduce the risk of a peptic ulcer-like:

  • Don’t let your body get in touch with infection
  • Be careful when you take the pain killers
  • Get hold of the doctor to understand the right amount of medication you should take

How does a doctor diagnose and treat a peptic ulcer?

The diagnosis is all-important to understand to what extent you have the problem and, accordingly, the treatment plan is given to you. Here are the few tests that are done to diagnose your condition:

  • Laboratory tests for H. pylori
  • Endoscopy
  • Upper gastrointestinal series

Treatment for peptic ulcer

The medications are suggested according to what your condition is like:

  • Antibiotic drugs to kill H.pylori
  • Medication to block acid production and help the body to heal
  • Antacids that work on neutralizing stomach acid level in your body

Visit for the follow-ups regularly

You have to be sure that you visit for the follow-ups daily. This way, it helps to understand the situation in the proper manner, and if the extent of symptoms is severe, then endoscopy is done.

Do you want to know what happens next?

Schedule your initial consultation at Ludhiana Gastro And Gynae Centre to better clarify how your condition can be managed.

Gastroenterologist Shuchita Batra

Which are the most common gastro-related issues during pregnancy?

Gastro-related issues during pregnancy

For pregnant women, it’s normal to experience gastro-related health issues. With a baby growing every month, it’s normal to experience abdomen, stomach, and esophagus issues. There are high chances that hormonal changes are the primary reason digestion is affected and other GI functions in the body. Just make sure that you get hold of one of the known Obstetrician Gynecologist In Punjab to make yourself well-informed about all the significant symptoms and what approach should be followed to keep them under control.

Please Note!

If your symptoms get worse or are not easy to manage, then it’s all important to schedule a consultation with a board-certified Gastrologist in Ludhiana. The doctor will do a thorough evaluation, and depending on test results, you are guided towards a personalized treatment plan. Being mindful of your overall health is essential during pregnancy.

Common GI symptoms during pregnancy

Symptom 1: Nausea and Vomiting

In the initial 16 weeks of pregnancy, it’s normal to have moderate vomiting and nausea. Going through morning sickness during pregnancy is common. It’s incredibly typical for women to have nausea during the initial phases of pregnancy. If there are severe symptoms like discomfort and dehydration, then medication is given. Although mild, some necessary dietary changes are appropriate, and make sure that you consult the doctor right away. If you are pregnant for 16 weeks, the problem is usually linked to pregnancy. Just make sure that you don’t ignore the situation at any cost and consult the doctor for the same.

Symptom 2: Heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux

Heartburn is another common problem that most women experience during the 3rd trimester. It’s likely that the muscle b/w the stomach and esophagus is affected due to hormonal changes. This is where heartburn is expected to be a significant factor and need doctor assistance on time. For better management for the same, you need to have smaller and more frequent meals. Just make sure to seek medical help and know better about what you have to do.

Symptom 3: Diarrhea

Diarrhea is another gastro-related health issue that’s likely to result in infection, or sometimes you have a particular food that might lead to an upset stomach. Under doctor guidance, it can help you better understand how to reduce dehydration and illness. Just make sure to consult the doctor if you have any issues.

Symptom 4: Constipation

Pregnancy hormones have a direct impact on the lower GI tract, and this is the reason stool passes through the bowels affected. Moreover, stool passing is more complex than before. At times, prenatal vitamins and iron therapy intake is a triggering factors for constipation. The chances of managing this situation are best by increasing water and fluid intake. If it’s not manageable, then better get hold of the doctor.